
Custom Wooden Ketubah

Carved Pine Tree Frame
Walnut and oak frame features hand carved pine trees. The frame accompanies a watercolor ketubah.

Ner Tamid
Wooden Eternal Light נֵר תָּמִיד custom built for the Hershorin Schiff Community Day School in Sarasota, Florida.

Letter Carving
Carved calligraphy on a gorgeous piece of walnut.

Wood & Brass Coat Rack
With a wood carved and burned inscription.

Wooden Map & Compass Rose
Carved and burned by hand
Live Edge Wooden Candleboard
Custom candleboard for Shabbat

Carved Pine Trees
Custom baby artwork featuring carved calligraphy; made from live edge walnut.

Brass & Walnut Hat Rack
Custom nautical themed artwork for the baby’s room featuring carved calligraphy.

Black & White Ketubah
Black & white custom etching ketubah with hebrew calligraphy and intertwined trees.

Wood Carved Ketubah
Made from Walnut, this custom ketubah has intricate carvings.

Ner Tamid
Wooden Eternal Light נֵר תָּמִיד custom built for the Jewish Day School in New Orleans.

Tiny Coffee Table
Made from family heirloom metal chest and secondhand, quarter sawn oak.

Hebrew Wood Carving
Large piece of wood for Bat Mitzvah guest sign in board

Israel and America Wood Carving
A wood carving showcasing a bond to Israel.

Chamsa Carving
See more photos of this custom mahogany box I made early in my woodworking career.

Etching Calligraphy Ketubah
Black & White ketubah etching with English calligraphy and birds in flight. Custom made.

Outer Space Nursery Artwork
Black & white nursery art etching with calligraphy. Custom made.

Fairy Tale Ketubah
Highly detailed custom ketubah with medieval inspired calligraphy.

Israel Bound Ketubah
Chamsa inspired custom ketubah featuring hebrew calligraphy and intertwined trees.