Chamsa Carving
I carved a Chamsah into this wooden box in my first workshop in 2014. The year prior I became infatuated with hand tools and loved to cut dove tails. I started to blend my passions and would carve and burn illustrations and typography into each project. This Judaica theme began to blend into my work and has help shaped our brand, Windthrow, today.

This was the 46th wooden box that I made, and even though my shop at that time was cold in the winter and hot in the summer I sure do miss it. I ran an extension cord out there for lighting but did not have any power tools. When I needed a table saw, planer, jointer or band saw I would skate down the street to a local community center, The Harvest House, and use the tools I needed. When I moved into this house in Asheville I didn’t even know the Harvest House was there, what a lucky surprise.